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Free Download Games Land of The Dead : Road to Fiddlers Green (mediafire)

aminkom.blogspot.com - Free Download Games Land of The Dead : Road to Fiddlers Green
The game is a prequel to the Land of the Dead film, taking place during the initial outbreak of the zombie epidemic. Players take on the role of a farmer named Jack, who, one day, finds his farm besieged by mysterious strangers after power and communication lines die out. After finding the other nearby farms desolate with his neighbours killed, he learns the truth about the dead returning to life and "eating the flesh of the living". Jack does what the television says according to official orders and stays on his farm, until his supplies ran low and felt the isolation getting on him where he makes his way to the city, hoping to find help, but instead finding the city in ruins, overrun by the undead. Radio reports also update statuses of living people, and Jack is usually one step behind them.In a hospital, Jack succeeds finding help from a doctor who locked himself in a security room for safety but now is trapped. Jack goes on to free the doctor just when the hospital burns down, but the doctor becomes an undead himself. Jack kills the doctor and escapes to a safehouse police station as described by a radio report, and when he gets there he finds it overrun a couple of days ago, as according to a man named Otis he found and freed, though unsure why Otis was behind bars and Otis refusing to explain. After release, Otis suggests to Jack they hitch a ride in Otis' truck to a safehouse which is a theater, but when Jack secures Otis' escape in a sniping session on the roof, Otis had to leave Jack behind due to a closing horde of zombies. Otis tells Jack in the mayhem to meet at the theatre, which Jack at first couldn't hear but later understood.Jack, for safety travels to the theater via the sewers, but by then a radio report indicates the theatre now overrun. When Jack arrives, he secures the place and takes a rest, before Otis wakes him up and they head to a safe-haven called the City of the Living, completely surrounded by water and free of the zombies. They head there by boat at the docks, but halfway on the trip, Jack has to kill Otis as a final request before Otis turns into one of the undead, which he does not want to. When Jack makes it to the linking bridge, he powers it up and secures the bridge to ensure no zombies enter.Jack's successful efforts of killing the undead made the city's administrator, Mr. Kaufman, impressed and hires him to clean out a skyscraper for rich people called Fiddler's Green, which Jack agrees and completes. In the end, the dead are trapped outside, and struggle to get in, but as zombies seem to learn and adapt, one zombie picks up a sledgehammer and smashes the wall, where the game ends.

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aminkom.blogspot.com - Free Download Games Land of The Dead : Road to Fiddlers Green

aminkom.blogspot.com - Free Download Games Land of The Dead : Road to Fiddlers Green

aminkom.blogspot.com - Free Download Games Land of The Dead : Road to Fiddlers Green

aminkom.blogspot.com - Free Download Games Land of The Dead : Road to Fiddlers Green
(Part 1,Part 2)

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