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Film Sunan Kalijaga & Syech Siti Jenar (1985)

Film Sunan Kalijaga & Syech Siti Jenar (1985)  

Perang saudara yang disebut Perang Paregreg telah membuat Majapahit kehilangan kewibawaan. Keadaan kacau, rakyat menderita. Banyak bupati yang ingin menggantikan Majapahit. Dalam keadaan seperti ini agam Islam mulai menyebar di Jawa. Para wali yang dikenal sebagai Wali Songo banyak yang mendirikan pesantren. Di antaranya adalah Sunan Kalijaga.Dalam keprihatinan itu ada yang mengusulkan untuk menyerang saja Kerajaan Majapahit, lalu pusat kerajaan dipindahkan ke Bintoro. Apalagi mereka sudah punya calon kuat: Raden Patah. Sunan Kalijaga menentang usul itu, dengan alasan bahwa Raja Majapahit tidak pernah mengganggu kegiatan para wali menyebar agama Islam.Kemudian muncul masalah baru. Seorang wali yang cukup dikenal yakni Syech Siti Jenar telah menyeleweng dari ajaran Islam. Syech Siti Jenar mengaku dirinya sebagai Allah seperti ajaran terkenalnya manunggaling kawula gusti. Maka para wali memanggil Syech Siti Jenar. Hukuman bagi Syech Siti Jenar harus dilakukan. Sesudah sidang para wali itu, Sunan Kalijaga mengikuti kepergian Syech Siti Jenar, dan terjadi adu kesaktian, hingga akhirnya Syech Siti Jenar pasrah. Ia dihukum pancung.

Film Sunan Kalijaga (1984)

Film Sunan Kalijaga (1984)  


Raden Mas Said, putra sulung Tumenggung Wilarikta di bawah Kerajaan Majapahit yang berkuasa di wilayah Tuban, melihat sekeluarga miskin yang menderita busung lapar. Ia merasa sangat prihatin dan hati nuraninya tergugah untuk menolong. Kemudian ia mencoba secara diam- diam mengambil makanan dari lumbung orang tuanya. Perbuatan itu tidak disetujui orang tuanya, bahkan ia dihukum sekap di gudang makanan itu. Sejak kejadian itu, RM Said yang tumbuh dewasa tidak betah tinggal di rumah. Ia berkelana dari daerah satu ke daerah lainnya. Dari sanalah ia tahu betapa banyak penyelewengan dan kesewenang-wenangan para lurah yang munafik. Mereka selalu mengkambing- hitamkan Tumenggung untuk menutupi kejahatannya. Atas laporan RM Said, ayahnya kemudian sadar. Tetapi kemudian ia dianggap sebagai sumber fitnah. Dalam kelananya, kemudian ia bertemu dengan Sunan Bonang yang banyak mencurahkan ilmunya kepada RM Said. Ia pun kemudian melakukan tapa di pinggir kali. Berkat ketabahannya menghadapi berbagai cobaan, RM Said mendapatkan "Nur" (kekuatan) dari Ilahi. Kemudian ia diangkat menjadi Wali yang terkenal dalam deretan nama Sembilan Wali (Wali Sanga) dengan nama Sunan Kalijaga.


Samurai X Episode 95

aminkom.blogspot.com - Free Download Film Samurai X Full Series

Samurai X adalah salah satu anime legendaris yang wajib disukai para penggemar anime. Samurai X mengisahkan perjalanan hidup Kenshin Himura, seorang pemuda lugu yang dulunya dikenal sebagai Battosai Si Pembantai yang tidak pernah kalah dan menjadi pembunuh paling mengerikan sebelum Restorasi Meiji.
Anime ini tampak “begitu hidup”. Kenshin yang memiliki luka silang di pipi bertemu dengan Kaoru Kamiya (Kaoru), seorang penerus aliran Kamiyakasshin. Meskipun seorang perempuan, Kaoru tidak pandai memasak. Dari sinilah keduanya bertemu dengan Yahiko Myojin (Yahiko), tapi ketika anime ini dialihbahasakan ke Indonesia, namanya menjadi Ioshi, anak yatim yang jago bermain kendo sekaligus pemberani. Mereka juga bersua dengan Sanosuke Sagara (Sano), yang bermodalkan semangat dan pedang raksasanya (kelak memiliki jurus tangan yang dilatih oleh Anji). Tokoh baik yang “jahat” muncul pada sosok Hajime Saito, intelijen Jepang yang membantu Kenshin melawan Shishio. Anime Samurai X sendiri mengadaptasi komik berjudul sama buatan Nobuhiro Watsuki. Daripada tambah penasaran langsung download di bawah.

Samurai X Episode 94

aminkom.blogspot.com - Free Download Film Samurai X Full Series
The story of Rurouni Kenshin takes place during the early Meiji era in Japan. It tells the story of a peaceful wanderer named Himura Kenshin, formerly known as the assassin "Hitokiri Battōsai". After participating during the Bakumatsu war, Kenshin wanders the countryside of Japan offering protection and aid to those in need as atonement for the murders he once committed as an assassin. When arriving in Tokyo in the 11th year of Meiji (1878), he meets a young woman named Kamiya Kaoru, who was in the middle of a fight with a murderer who claims to be the Hitokiri Battōsai from her swordsmanship school. Kenshin decides to help her and defeats the fake Battōsai. After discovering that Kenshin is the real Battōsai, she offers him a place to stay at her dojo as she notes Kenshin is a gentle person instead. Kenshin accepts and begins to establish lifelong relationships with many people such as Sagara Sanosuke, a former Sekihō Army member; Myōjin Yahiko, an orphan from a samurai family; and a doctor named Takani Megumi. However, he also deals with his fair share of enemies, new and old, including the former leader from the Oniwabanshū, Shinomori Aoshi and his rival from the Bakumatsu Saitō Hajime.
After several months of living in the dojo, Kenshin discovers that his successor as assassin of the shadows, Shishio Makoto, plans to conquer Japan by destroying the Meiji Government, starting with Kyoto. Feeling that his friends may be attacked by Shishio's faction, Kenshin goes to meet Shishio alone in order to defeat him. However, many of his friends, including a young Oniwabanshū named Makimachi Misao, decide to help him in his fight. He decides to accept their help and defeats Shishio in a fight, who dies in the process due to the rise in body temperature caused by his burns. The anime adapts the manga until this part, later featuring new story arcs which were not featured in the manga.
When Kenshin and his friends return to Tokyo, Kenshin finds Yukishiro Enishi, who plans to take revenge by killing his friends. At this point it is revealed that, during the Bakumatsu, Kenshin used to be married to a woman called Yukishiro Tomoe, who initially wanted to avenge the death of her fiancé, whom Kenshin had killed, but instead both fell in love and got married. It is then discovered that Tomoe was part of a group of assassins that wanted to kill Kenshin, and Tomoe is betrayed by them and captured to use as bait. Kenshin rushes in to rescue her, killing both his assailant and accidentally Tomoe, who jumps in at the last minute to save Kenshin from a fatal attack. Wanting to take revenge for the death of his sister, Enishi kidnaps Kaoru and leaves behind a tortured figure bearing a stunning resemblance of Kaoru for Kenshin to find and momentarily grieve over. Once discovering that Kaoru is alive, Kenshin and his friends set to rescue her. A battle between Kenshin and Enishi follows and when Kenshin wins, he and Kaoru return home. Five years later, Kenshin has married to Kaoru and has a son named Himura Kenji.

Samurai X Episode 93

aminkom.blogspot.com - Free Download Film Samurai X Full Series
The story of Rurouni Kenshin takes place during the early Meiji era in Japan. It tells the story of a peaceful wanderer named Himura Kenshin, formerly known as the assassin "Hitokiri Battōsai". After participating during the Bakumatsu war, Kenshin wanders the countryside of Japan offering protection and aid to those in need as atonement for the murders he once committed as an assassin. When arriving in Tokyo in the 11th year of Meiji (1878), he meets a young woman named Kamiya Kaoru, who was in the middle of a fight with a murderer who claims to be the Hitokiri Battōsai from her swordsmanship school. Kenshin decides to help her and defeats the fake Battōsai. After discovering that Kenshin is the real Battōsai, she offers him a place to stay at her dojo as she notes Kenshin is a gentle person instead. Kenshin accepts and begins to establish lifelong relationships with many people such as Sagara Sanosuke, a former Sekihō Army member; Myōjin Yahiko, an orphan from a samurai family; and a doctor named Takani Megumi. However, he also deals with his fair share of enemies, new and old, including the former leader from the Oniwabanshū, Shinomori Aoshi and his rival from the Bakumatsu Saitō Hajime.
After several months of living in the dojo, Kenshin discovers that his successor as assassin of the shadows, Shishio Makoto, plans to conquer Japan by destroying the Meiji Government, starting with Kyoto. Feeling that his friends may be attacked by Shishio's faction, Kenshin goes to meet Shishio alone in order to defeat him. However, many of his friends, including a young Oniwabanshū named Makimachi Misao, decide to help him in his fight. He decides to accept their help and defeats Shishio in a fight, who dies in the process due to the rise in body temperature caused by his burns. The anime adapts the manga until this part, later featuring new story arcs which were not featured in the manga.
When Kenshin and his friends return to Tokyo, Kenshin finds Yukishiro Enishi, who plans to take revenge by killing his friends. At this point it is revealed that, during the Bakumatsu, Kenshin used to be married to a woman called Yukishiro Tomoe, who initially wanted to avenge the death of her fiancé, whom Kenshin had killed, but instead both fell in love and got married. It is then discovered that Tomoe was part of a group of assassins that wanted to kill Kenshin, and Tomoe is betrayed by them and captured to use as bait. Kenshin rushes in to rescue her, killing both his assailant and accidentally Tomoe, who jumps in at the last minute to save Kenshin from a fatal attack. Wanting to take revenge for the death of his sister, Enishi kidnaps Kaoru and leaves behind a tortured figure bearing a stunning resemblance of Kaoru for Kenshin to find and momentarily grieve over. Once discovering that Kaoru is alive, Kenshin and his friends set to rescue her. A battle between Kenshin and Enishi follows and when Kenshin wins, he and Kaoru return home. Five years later, Kenshin has married to Kaoru and has a son named Himura Kenji.

Samurai X Episode 92

aminkom.blogspot.com - Free Download Film Samurai X Full Series
The story of Rurouni Kenshin takes place during the early Meiji era in Japan. It tells the story of a peaceful wanderer named Himura Kenshin, formerly known as the assassin "Hitokiri Battōsai". After participating during the Bakumatsu war, Kenshin wanders the countryside of Japan offering protection and aid to those in need as atonement for the murders he once committed as an assassin. When arriving in Tokyo in the 11th year of Meiji (1878), he meets a young woman named Kamiya Kaoru, who was in the middle of a fight with a murderer who claims to be the Hitokiri Battōsai from her swordsmanship school. Kenshin decides to help her and defeats the fake Battōsai. After discovering that Kenshin is the real Battōsai, she offers him a place to stay at her dojo as she notes Kenshin is a gentle person instead. Kenshin accepts and begins to establish lifelong relationships with many people such as Sagara Sanosuke, a former Sekihō Army member; Myōjin Yahiko, an orphan from a samurai family; and a doctor named Takani Megumi. However, he also deals with his fair share of enemies, new and old, including the former leader from the Oniwabanshū, Shinomori Aoshi and his rival from the Bakumatsu Saitō Hajime.
After several months of living in the dojo, Kenshin discovers that his successor as assassin of the shadows, Shishio Makoto, plans to conquer Japan by destroying the Meiji Government, starting with Kyoto. Feeling that his friends may be attacked by Shishio's faction, Kenshin goes to meet Shishio alone in order to defeat him. However, many of his friends, including a young Oniwabanshū named Makimachi Misao, decide to help him in his fight. He decides to accept their help and defeats Shishio in a fight, who dies in the process due to the rise in body temperature caused by his burns. The anime adapts the manga until this part, later featuring new story arcs which were not featured in the manga.
When Kenshin and his friends return to Tokyo, Kenshin finds Yukishiro Enishi, who plans to take revenge by killing his friends. At this point it is revealed that, during the Bakumatsu, Kenshin used to be married to a woman called Yukishiro Tomoe, who initially wanted to avenge the death of her fiancé, whom Kenshin had killed, but instead both fell in love and got married. It is then discovered that Tomoe was part of a group of assassins that wanted to kill Kenshin, and Tomoe is betrayed by them and captured to use as bait. Kenshin rushes in to rescue her, killing both his assailant and accidentally Tomoe, who jumps in at the last minute to save Kenshin from a fatal attack. Wanting to take revenge for the death of his sister, Enishi kidnaps Kaoru and leaves behind a tortured figure bearing a stunning resemblance of Kaoru for Kenshin to find and momentarily grieve over. Once discovering that Kaoru is alive, Kenshin and his friends set to rescue her. A battle between Kenshin and Enishi follows and when Kenshin wins, he and Kaoru return home. Five years later, Kenshin has married to Kaoru and has a son named Himura Kenji.

Samurai X Episode 91

aminkom.blogspot.com - Free Download Film Samurai X Full Series
The story of Rurouni Kenshin takes place during the early Meiji era in Japan. It tells the story of a peaceful wanderer named Himura Kenshin, formerly known as the assassin "Hitokiri Battōsai". After participating during the Bakumatsu war, Kenshin wanders the countryside of Japan offering protection and aid to those in need as atonement for the murders he once committed as an assassin. When arriving in Tokyo in the 11th year of Meiji (1878), he meets a young woman named Kamiya Kaoru, who was in the middle of a fight with a murderer who claims to be the Hitokiri Battōsai from her swordsmanship school. Kenshin decides to help her and defeats the fake Battōsai. After discovering that Kenshin is the real Battōsai, she offers him a place to stay at her dojo as she notes Kenshin is a gentle person instead. Kenshin accepts and begins to establish lifelong relationships with many people such as Sagara Sanosuke, a former Sekihō Army member; Myōjin Yahiko, an orphan from a samurai family; and a doctor named Takani Megumi. However, he also deals with his fair share of enemies, new and old, including the former leader from the Oniwabanshū, Shinomori Aoshi and his rival from the Bakumatsu Saitō Hajime.
After several months of living in the dojo, Kenshin discovers that his successor as assassin of the shadows, Shishio Makoto, plans to conquer Japan by destroying the Meiji Government, starting with Kyoto. Feeling that his friends may be attacked by Shishio's faction, Kenshin goes to meet Shishio alone in order to defeat him. However, many of his friends, including a young Oniwabanshū named Makimachi Misao, decide to help him in his fight. He decides to accept their help and defeats Shishio in a fight, who dies in the process due to the rise in body temperature caused by his burns. The anime adapts the manga until this part, later featuring new story arcs which were not featured in the manga.
When Kenshin and his friends return to Tokyo, Kenshin finds Yukishiro Enishi, who plans to take revenge by killing his friends. At this point it is revealed that, during the Bakumatsu, Kenshin used to be married to a woman called Yukishiro Tomoe, who initially wanted to avenge the death of her fiancé, whom Kenshin had killed, but instead both fell in love and got married. It is then discovered that Tomoe was part of a group of assassins that wanted to kill Kenshin, and Tomoe is betrayed by them and captured to use as bait. Kenshin rushes in to rescue her, killing both his assailant and accidentally Tomoe, who jumps in at the last minute to save Kenshin from a fatal attack. Wanting to take revenge for the death of his sister, Enishi kidnaps Kaoru and leaves behind a tortured figure bearing a stunning resemblance of Kaoru for Kenshin to find and momentarily grieve over. Once discovering that Kaoru is alive, Kenshin and his friends set to rescue her. A battle between Kenshin and Enishi follows and when Kenshin wins, he and Kaoru return home. Five years later, Kenshin has married to Kaoru and has a son named Himura Kenji.